The Global Leader in Procedure Management Solutions
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ATR SmartProcedures Blog

Human Performance and Procedures

In today's fast-paced and highly regulated business environment, human performance and procedures are pivotal in ensuring operational success.

Benefits of Mobile Procedures

Optimizing document management involves streamlining the processes involved in creating, storing, retrieving, and sharing documents and procedures. There are several strategies that can be used to reduce administrative burden in document management.

How to Reduce Administrative Burden in Document Management

Optimizing document management involves streamlining the processes involved in creating, storing, retrieving, and sharing documents and procedures. There are several strategies that can be used to reduce administrative burden in document management.

How to Write Effective Standard Operating Procedures

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are an essential component of any high-risk industry, from construction and mining to chemical manufacturing and energy production. These procedures ensure that workers perform their duties in a manner that minimizes the likelihood of accidents, injuries, and other negative outcomes.

10 Reasons Why Operators Won't Use Procedures

Plant operators play a crucial role in the functioning of high-risk industries such as oil and gas, petrochemicals, power generation, pharmaceuticals, nuclear, and many others. These industries are highly regulated, and the safety of the workers and the public is paramount.

Why You Need Digital Procedures

Gone are the days of packing around greasy binders with hundreds of yellowed and torn procedures threatening to fall out, or being buried at your desk behind mountains of procedures needing review. Your business stopped using typewriters decades ago in the march toward modernization, so why are you still using word processors for your procedure management system?

The Real Definition of Digital Procedures and Why it Matters

Something we run into as we educate companies about the power of digitized procedure content and the benefits thereof is this idea that if procedures are PDF’d and stored on a network drive, that’s enough to check the box that procedures are in fact “digital” and therefore no action is needed.

Why is the word “digital” so important? It carries weight because most industrial companies are ploughing ahead with digital transformation efforts to make their businesses more efficient, more productive, automated, and rich with data that can be used to measure improvements to processes, mandates, and production goals.

The Value of a Procedure Lifecycle When Using Mobile Devices

It’s easy when upgrading procedures to focus in on one or two areas. Mobility is hot right now and will continue to gain popularity as companies digitize their plants and enable Wi-Fi in the production areas.

However, it’s easy to get drawn into the idea of getting off the “paper paradigm” that has been in effect for the last 100 years without first understanding what that entails.

Smart Digital Transformation of Procedures –
What You Need to Know

Want to figure out a way to take more control of your procedure content and extend your procedures to mobile devices? You’re going to need to digitize the content or in other words convert your procedures to a digital format. While there is no silver bullet to instantly and automagically make this happen, we will explore proven methodology to help make the journey easier, lower costs and achieve desired success.

Before jumping into the details of conversion or digital transformation, let’s review the benefits and why you would want to do this in the first place.

Integration Services and Strategy

One of the most salient business needs in today’s world is seamlessly interconnecting two or more systems to allow business processes to flow effectively and efficiently. Most enterprise business systems are equipped with a configurable REST API making interoperability and data flow control possible.

However, as the cliché statement goes, the devil is always in the details. Most of the details involve knowing your data flow and understanding where, why, and how processes will be spawned and what other processes they should spawn through their journey.

Does Your Organization Follow a Procedure Use and Adherence Policy?

Procedure use and adherence comes up often with potential customers when discussing ways procedure programs are managed. Many do not know what a use and adherence policy is, much less if their organization has one. Sometimes leaders will verify their organization has one, but no one has read it.

Procedure Program Operational EXCELLENCE

The state of procedures in the process manufacturing industry is poor compared to other industries such as nuclear and aerospace. There are many reasons for this, but the root cause mostly stems from an industry that is satisfied with minimal compliance of process safety management regulations rather than an obsession for operational excellence. Human reliability and the limitations of paper-based technology vs the availability of digital technologies are other key factors.

Content is Key for the Connected Worker

Connected worker technologies have changed the way manufacturing companies do business. The ability to digitize paper documents, and digitalize the processes surrounding the execution of those documents increases the efficiency of their workers, as well as their safety. Companies can now work more efficiently and safely than ever before.

Wasting away with Word!

Wasting away with Word!

It has been my personal experience that the average procedure writer in the processing industry often would rather eat flies than spend all day formatting documents.

Very talented subject matter experts with tons of operating experience just don't get excited about trying to get Word to cooperate when they insert text or attempt to renumber, and then watch the procedure decompose.

Procedure Training

Procedure Training

How do you train operators on your procedures? Many companies provide a hard copy or electronic copy of the hard copy and have the learner either read it, or, if launched by a typical learning management system open and close it to get credit. In either case, it is doubtful that much learning took place in either case.